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Table name: visit_occurrence

Reading from encounters_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPatient ID is the numeric component of the souce ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_occurrence_idmerged_enc_idAUTO INCREMENT COLUMN based on visit_occurrence_source_id
visit_occurrence_source_idmerged_enc_idSource Visit Occurrence ID. This represents an aggregated encounter_deiden_id for identify hospital and ambulatory episodes.
visit_start_datetimeencounter_effective_datemerged_admit_datetimeUse encounter effective date when admit_datetime is NULL and default to midnight.
visit_end_datetimeencounter_effective_datemerged_dischg_datetimeUse if discharge date is NULL impute time as 23:59.
visit_end_dateencounter_effective_datemerged_dischg_datetimeUse if discharge date is NULL.
visit_concept_idpatient_typeencounter_typeThe Visit Concept ID is derived from a curated map table based on the concatation of the patient and encounter types. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details.
visit_source_valueexternal_namehospitalpatient_typeencounter_typeThis is a combination of patient type, encounter type, hospital, and external name.
care_site_idlocation_of_svchospitalUse combination of location_of_svc and hospital to lookup care site id
admitted_from_concept_idadmit_sourceMapped using curatedThe Admitted FROM Concept ID is derived from admit source. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details.
discharged_to_concept_iddischg_dispositionThe discharge to Concept ID is derived from discharge disposition. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details.
visit_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
visit_source_concept_idNot populated
preceding_visit_occurrence_idPopulated at end of ETL by SQL Script.