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Table name: observation

Reading from encounters_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_dateadmit_datetimemerged_admit_datetimeobservation_date is populated with date from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping detailsobservation_date is populated with date from merged_admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_datetimeadmit_datetimemerged_admit_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idlanguagesmoking_statusName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuelanguagesmoking_statusSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringlanguagesmoking_statusValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idlanguagesmoking_statusMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuelanguagesmoking_statussource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from blood_pressure_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimebp_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idbp_locationpatient_positionName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuebp_locationpatient_positionSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringbp_locationpatient_positionValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idbp_locationpatient_positionMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuebp_locationpatient_positionsource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from morse_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimemorse_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idmeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuemeasurement_nameSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeasurement_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeasurement_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeasurement_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from realm_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimerealm_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valueSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringhealth_literacy_assessmentValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idhealth_literacy_assessmentMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuehealth_literacy_assessmentsource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from asa_scores_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimeasa_dateobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idasa_scoreFill with 762763Name of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valueSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringasa_scoreValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idasa_scoreMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valueasa_scoresource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from pain_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimepain_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idmeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuemeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeasurement_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeasurement_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeasurement_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from cam_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimerecorded_timeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idvital_sign_measure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuevital_sign_measure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeas_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeas_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeas_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from braden_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimebraden_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idmeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuemeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeasurement_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeasurement_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeasurement_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from mobility_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimerecorded_timeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idmeasure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuemeasure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeas_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeas_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeas_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from glasgow_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimeglasgow_coma_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idmeasurement_nameName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuemeasurement_nameSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeasurement_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeasurement_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeasurement_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from mews_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimerecorded_timeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_iddisp_nameName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuedisp_nameSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeas_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeas_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeas_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from rass_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimerecorded_timeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idvital_sign_measure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuevital_sign_measure_nameName of this field is used to populate the fieldSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeas_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeas_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeas_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated

Reading from dialysis_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
observation_datetimeobservation_datetimeobservation_datetime is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details
observation_concept_idvital_sign_measure_nameName of this field is used to populate the field
observation_source_valuevital_sign_measure_nameSource column name Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_stringmeas_valueValue of this field is used to populate the field
value_as_concept_idmeas_valueMapped using excel mapping table. Name of this field is used to populate the field
value_source_valuemeas_valuesource value Value of this field is used to populate the field
observation_type_concept_idUse standard concept for EHR DATA 32817.
value_as_numberNot Applicable
order_numberNot Populated
observation_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_concept_idNot Populated
observation_event_idNot Populated
obs_event_field_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_source_valueNot Populated
qualifier_concept_idNot Populated
provider_idNot Populated