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Table name: measurement

Reading from blood_pressure_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
person_idpatient_deiden_idPerson ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date.
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuenoninvasive_map_source_valuenoninvasive_bp_source_valueinvasive_bp_source_valueinvasive_map_source_valueValue of the field is used to populate the fieldValue of the field is used to populate the fieldValue of the field is used to populate the fieldValue of the field is used to populate the fieldValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numbercvpcvp_meanpap_meaninvasive_systolicinvasive_diastolicinvasive_mapnoninvasive_systolicnoninvasive_diastolicnoninvasive_mapValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idcvpcvp_meanpap_meaninvasive_systolicinvasive_diastolicinvasive_mapnoninvasive_systolicnoninvasive_diastolicnoninvasive_mapinvasive_bp_methodnoninvasive_bp_methodName of the field is used to populate the fieldCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuecvpcvp_meanpap_meaninvasive_bp_methodnoninvasive_bp_methodinvasive_systolicinvasive_diastolicinvasive_mapnoninvasive_systolicnoninvasive_diastolicnoninvasive_mapCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from sofa_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuerespirationcnscardiovascularlivercoagulationrenalsofa_scoreValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numberrespirationcnscardiovascularlivercoagulationrenalsofa_scoreValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idrespirationcnscardiovascularlivercoagulationrenalsofa_scoreCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuerespirationcnscardiovascularlivercoagulationrenalsofa_scoreCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from temperature_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuetemp_source_valuetemp_sourcetemp_source_unitValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numbertemp_celsiusclean_core_body_temp_celsiusValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idtemp_celsiusclean_core_body_temp_celsiusCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuetemp_celsiusclean_core_body_temp_celsiusCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from anesthesia_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuebis_indexValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numberbis_indexValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idbis_indexCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuebis_indexCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from heart_rate_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valueheart_rate_sourceValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numberheart_rateValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idheart_rateCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valueheart_rateCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from height_weight_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuemeasurement_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numbermeasurement_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idmeasurement_nameIf it is empty, fill with 0 as default value. Else, Name of this field is used to populate the fieldCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuemeasurement_nameCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from mac_components_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuemeas_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numbermeas_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_iddisp_nameCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuedisp_nameCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from 60_ecg_cardiology_detail_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numberValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valueCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from intake_outtake_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idencounter_deiden_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valuemeasurement_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numbermeasurement_valueValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idmeasurement_nameCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valuemeasurement_nameCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated

Reading from q1_sofa_clean_0_0.csv

Destination FieldSource fieldLogicComment field
visit_detail_idbatch_visit_detail_idLooked up via batch visit detail id if avaialble, else lookup using encounter deiden id, else NULL
value_source_valueglasgow_coma_adult_scoremap_valuebilirubinplateletscreatininepfspfdopaminerespcoagsofa_scoreliverrenalcnscardioValue of the field is used to populate the field
value_as_numberglasgow_coma_adult_scoremap_valuebilirubinplateletscreatininepfspfdopaminerespcoagsofa_scoreliverrenalcnscardioValue of the field is used to populate the field
measurement_idmap_valuebilirubinplateletscreatininepfspfdopaminerespcoagsofa_scoreliverrenalcnscardioAUTO INCREMENT
measurement_concept_idCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic) then mapped using excel lookup table. Name of the field is used to populate the field
order_numberNot Populated
measurement_type_concept_idFilled in as EHR (32817)
measurement_source_valueCombination of method and column name (e.g. BP Cuff Systolic). Name of the field is used to populate the field
unit_concept_idFilled in as concept id for mmHG if not in excel lookup table
value_as_concept_idNOT POPULATED
operator_concept_idNOT POPULATED
range_lowNot Populated
range_highNot Populated
provider_idNot populated
measurement_source_concept_idNot Populated
unit_source_concept_idNot Populated
measurement_event_idNot Populated
meas_event_field_concept_idNot Populated