person_id | patient_deiden_id | | Person ID is the source ID from IDR after the project name and deidentification database intialization date. |
visit_occurrence_id | merged_enc_id | | |
visit_detail_source_id | encounter_deiden_id | | Populate encounter_deiden_id value |
visit_detail_id | | | Auto increment |
visit_detail_start_date | admit_datetimeencounter_effective_datemerged_admit_datetime | | visit_detail_start_date is derived from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping detailsWhen admit_datetime is null, populate visit_detail_start_date with encounter_effective_date |
visit_detail_start_datetime | admit_datetimeencounter_effective_datemerged_admit_datetime | | visit_detail_start_datetime comes from admit_datetime. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping detailsWhen admit_datetime is null, populate visit_detail_start_datetime with encounter_effective_date and default time to midnight |
visit_detail_end_date | merged_dischg_datetimedischg_datetimeadmit_datetime | | visit_detail_end_date will be populated with the date derived from dischg_datetimeIf Dischg_datetime is null then populate visit_detail_end_date with the date derived from admit_datetime |
visit_detail_end_datetime | merged_dischg_datetimedischg_datetimeadmit_datetime | | If discharge datetime is not 23:59, then populate visit_detail_end_datetime as dischg_datetimeIf Dischg_datetime is null(i.e; when missing or when time in Dischg_datetime is 23:59) then populate visit_detail_end_datetime with admit_datetime |
visit_detail_concept_id | encounter_typepatient_type | | The visit_detail_concept_id is derived from a curated map table based on the concatation of the patient and encounter types. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details. |
visit_detail_source_value | encounter_typepatient_typehospitalexternal_name | | This is a combination of patient type, encounter type, hospital, and external name. |
care_site_id | location_of_svchospital | | Use combination of location_of_svc and hospital to lookup care site id |
visit_detail_type_concept_id | | | Use standard concept for EHR DATA 32817. |
provider_id | attending_dr_deiden_id | | Populate attending_dr_deiden_id value |
admitted_from_concept_id | admit_source | | |
admitted_from_source_value | admit_source | | |
discharged_to_source_value | dischg_disposition | | |
admitted_from_site_id | | | Not Populated |
discharged_to_concept_id | dischg_disposition | | The discharge to Concept ID is derived from discharge disposition. Please see the sheet map_table for additional mapping details. |
discharged_to_site_id | | | Not Populated |
or_case_num | | | or_case_num |
care_site_type_concept_id | | | Not Populated |
visit_detail_source_concept_id | | | Not Populated |
preceding_visit_detail_id | | | Populated through SQL |
parent_visit_detail_id | | | Not populated |